Amazon Chime SDK
Quickly set up the Amazon Chime SDK communication integration into your NLX workspace
Integrate Amazon Chime SDK
This integration uses the Amazon Lex NLP engine, so please ensure you have set up an Amazon Lex integration in your workspace before deploying any Amazon Chime SDK applications.
To integrate the Amazon Chime SDK channel, begin by selecting Integrations from your workspace menu:
Choose + Add integration > Select Amazon Chime SDK from the dropdown
Provide a name for your Amazon Chime SDK integration
Click the link to deploy the CloudFormation template
You will be directed to AWS and asked to sign into your account.
The Quick create stack page appears with Template, Stack Name, and Parameters information
In the Capabilities section at the bottom, select the acknowledgment checkbox > click Create stack
Once the stack is created and deployed, select the Outputs tab and under the Key section find the relevant ARNs/additional fields
Copy and paste those values into the appropriate fields within the Amazon Chime SDK integration fields of your NLX workspace:
Fulfillment Lambda ARN: The lambda responsible for the interaction between the NLP (Lex) and the NLU
Management Role ARN: IAM permissions to create and update contact flows
Bot info table name: The name of the table that will be deployed in your workspace to store application metadata for call routing purposes
SMA handler Lambda ARN: The SIP media application Lambda routes calls to your application and escalates depending on the conversation flow
Optional Voice connector outbound host name: Hostname URI for the auto-deployed voice connector which you can route SIP traffic to in order to reach your application from an SIP source. This field does not need to be set for deployment purposes but having it stored in your integration can be helpful so you have all of the information you need to route calls to your applications accessible through NLX
At any time, you may edit or delete your Amazon Chime SDK integration by expanding the integration name and selecting the edit or delete icons.
Additional configuration
To further configure the Amazon Chime SDK resources that have automatically deployed, you can visit the Amazon Chime SDK console in AWS.
From there, you can view the SIP Media application, SIP Trunking Voice Connector, and corresponding SIP Rules that have been deployed as part of creating the integration. From this console, you can allow incoming SIP traffic to reach your bots by enabling Termination on the Voice Connector and configuring the Allowed hosts list to include any IP addresses you would like to whitelist.
You can also use this console to associate a phone number with your SIP media application through the following steps:
Navigate to Phone number management > Click the Orders tab
Click Provision phone numbers > Select SIP Media Application Dial-In
Select Country, Type, and Area Code from each dropdown > Click the Provision button
Now that we have a phone number, the next step is to create a new SIP Rule to associate it with your SIP Media Application:
Navigate to SIP Rules > Click Create SIP Rule
Name your rule, set the Trigger type as To phone number, and set the Phone number to the one you just provisioned
After selecting Next, set the SIP media application to the one that was created for you. There is a field for priority, which can be left as the default value unless you have a special use case. Once these two fields are set, click Create SIP rule
After completing those steps your bots can now receive PSTN traffic on the number you provisioned. To associate this phone number with a specific bot you would just need to set that value in the Phone number by language section of the corresponding application’s Channel (more information on that can be found in the documentation section for the Amazon Chime SDK Channel).
Set up application using Amazon Chime SDK channel
To successfully use your Amazon Chime SDK integration with bots created in your workspace, be sure to complete the following:
Last updated