Amazon Connect
Learn to set up an Amazon Connect communication channel for your application in your NLX workspace
The Amazon Connect channel requires a one-time integration in your workspace before a channel can be created.
Create Amazon Connect channel
Navigate to Channels tab of your application
Expand Amazon Connect option
Select + Create channel link
Choose your Amazon Connect workspace integration from the Integration dropdown
Click Create channel button
Optional Amazon Connect fields
Custom conversation timeout: Toggled OFF by default. Terminates call after defined time (in minutes) has passed when no user inputs are received
Amazon Connect instance ID
Fulfillment Lambda ARN: If provided, this overrides the Fulfillment Lambda ARN for the organizational-level Amazon Connect integration
Region: The AWS region your Connect instance is deployed through
Configuring Amazon Connect to use your NLX application
Log in to your AWS account and go to the Amazon Connect dashboard
Select your instance, then choose Flows from the Overview menu.
From the Bot dropdown, select your application's name followed by an _AmazonConnect suffix (e.g., MyApplication_AmazonConnect)
Under the AWS Lambda section, use the Lambda Functions dropdown to select the AWS Lambda Function created by your NLX integration
Import contact flow into Amazon Connect
Within NLX, go to your application's Deployment tab. Click the Details link beside a deployment
Expand Amazon Connect under Setup instructions and click Download contact flow
A JSON file will be downloaded to your computer
Log in to your Amazon Connect instance and select Contact flows from the menu. Then click the Create contact flow button
Note: The Login URL for an instance can be found on its Overview page accessed via the Amazon Connect dashboard
Under the new contact flow, click the down arrow to the right of Save and select Import flow (beta)
Click the Select button to locate the JSON template downloaded to your computer. Select Import
The JSON file is imported into your Amazon Connect instance, and the contact flow may look something like this:
Assign a phone number
Open the Channels menu in Amazon Connect and choose Phone numbers
Click Claim a Phone Number > Select a Toll-free or Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number
Assign the phone number to the Contact Flow created
Last updated