Automated tests
Set up and quickly test inputs or training data using Automated tests in NLX
Last updated
Set up and quickly test inputs or training data using Automated tests in NLX
Last updated
An application build is required before any Automated test may be used. See Deploy.
Automated tests allow you to easily test your application's performance with recognizing intents (based on your provided training data), or allow you to quickly execute saved conversation inputs when running frequent tests with your conversation flows.
Click Automated tests tab of application > Select Create test
Enter a test name > Click Save
Select + Add test
Enter phrase(s) to be tested or modify after using the Generate* feature
Specify the intent you want to test the phrase against
Select Save
*If your intent's training data includes Slots, the Generate combinations toggle ensures all variations of those slot values are simulated in the test.
Once satisfied and ready to run your test, select the Test executions tab to process your test.
To execute a saved intent recognition test, select the test:
Choose Test executions tab > Click Execute test
Once the test completes its run, you may select it to view detailed results
Failed phrases display the expected intent to be matched alongside the actual matched intent:
Manage custom settings for all intent recognition tests created and executed for your application. Select or create an automated test from your application, and choose the test's Settings tab:
Execute during build: Automatically triggers your test after each new successful build
Failure threshold: Indicates the percentage of tests allowed to fail in the whole test suite before a build fails
Minimum confidence score: Minimum confidence score indicates the NLP confidence value each test must achieve before it fails. This applies to every individual test
To delete an automated intent recognition test, select the Delete application test option under Danger zone.
To create an automated conversation flow test, begin by entering Test mode on an intent flow:
Select an intent > Click a flow card
Toggle mode to Test on the bottom of your Canvas builder
Provide inputs in the test panel to converse with your application
Enter a test name
Click Save
Your named automated flow test will now be visible to replay. You may proceed from the point of the save and continue testing the conversation or generate additional automated tests.
All saved automated flow tests will be visible from the test panel in the flow or from an application's Automated tests tab where the flow is attached.
To save your sequence of inputs, select the play button icon > Choose + New automated test