Slots: Values

Easily learn how to create slot values and synonyms in NLX's Dialog Studio

What's the Values tab?

Values holds all the data and functionality for your slot’s values. Slot values are key to creating meaningful and effective conversations and therefore are highly customizable in Dialog Studio.

To reference your slot's values in an intent's flow or training phrases, be sure to attach it to the intent.


To access this feature, click the Values tab of your slot:

Add values

  • Click + Add new value > Enter slot value

  • Click + Add new value or use SHIFT + ENTER to create a new field. Repeat as needed

  • To remove a value from the list, select the remove icon

Avoid using special characters, keep values under 100 characters, and refrain from closely-named values (value 1 = Yes, value 2 = Yes, please).

Additional options (expand a value to view):

  • Skip translation: Enable to prevent the value from being automatically translated when a language is assigned to the slot

  • Value ID: A unique and non-editable ID that is auto-generated when the slot is saved

  • Choice payload: Allows you to display a custom payload when the value is presented as a selection to users. You may also apply Context attributes that have been previously set in the flow by invoking the placeholder menu with an open curly brace { while in the Choice payload field

Add synonyms

Synonyms allow you to add alternate terms to a value that users are likely to provide when making a choice (e.g., a user may provide Sure or OK instead of Yes). In these cases, synonyms can be added to expand the scope of responses that trigger the same value:

  • Expand a value > Select + Add synonym

  • Enter a synonym for the value. Repeat to enter as many synonyms for the value as needed

System slots

For commonly used slot values or values that are large in range, Dialog Studio provides system slot types you can choose when attaching a slot to an intent:

System slot typeUse


When the user input will be any country.


When the user input will use words to represent a date. Converts words to standard ISO-8601 format. Recognizes words such as "now" or "today" to mean the complete date of the current day. Input such as "this week" or "next week" will map to the first day of the week. ISO-8601 format begins its week on Monday and ends on Sunday. Input such as "next month" maps to the last day of the following month


When the user input will use words to represent duration. Converts words to standard format


When the user input will use words and characters to represent an email address. Supports additional characters such as underscores, hyphens, periods, and plus signs


When the user input will use a word to represent a first name


When the user input will use a word to represent a last name


When the user input will use numeric words. Converts words to digits


When the user input will use ordinal words (e.g., first or 1st) to represent ordinal position


When the user input will be a combination of letters and numbers


When the user input will use a word to represent a name. Works similarly to NLX.FirstName


When the user input will use numeric words to represent a phone number. Converts them to a numeric string


When the user input will consist of any words or characters


When the user input will use words to represent time. Converts them to standard time format


When the user input will use words to represent a URL. Converts them to standard URL format


When the user input will be any global city


When the user input will be a United States city


When the user input will be a United States state

Upload/download values

  • Upload: Allows for a JSON file to be ingested with slot values

  • Download: Prompts existing slot values to be downloaded to a JSON file for editing. Filename format: <SlotName>-Values.json

Last updated