Amazon Lex
Quickly set up the Amazon Lex NLP into your NLX workspace
Integrate Amazon Lex
To integrate with the Amazon Lex NLP engine, begin by selecting Settings from your workspace menu:
Select the Integrations tab
Click + Add integration
Provide your integration a name
Choose Amazon Lex from the Type dropdown
Click the IAMrole and Lex V2 Service Role
This takes you to AWS where you can log into your account. The Quick create stack page appears with Template, Stack Name, and Parameters information.
In the Capabilities section at the bottom of that page, select the acknowledgement checkbox and click the Create stack button
Once the stack is created, click the Output tab > Under the Key section, locate your newly-generated values for LexManagementRoleArn and LexV2ServiceLinkedRoleArn
Copy and paste those values into Dialog Studio in the IAM Role ARN and Lex Service Role ARN fields respectively
Click Create integration
Back in NLX, successful integration is noted with an Amazon Lex status of Live.
At any time, you may edit or delete your Amazon Lex integration by expanding the integration name and selecting the edit or delete icons.
Enabling Sentiment
There is an additional one-time setup required in order to enable permissions to detect sentiment using Amazon Lex. This adds the Comprehend permissions to the Lex service linked role that is created by the NLX - Lex Integration.
Build and Deploy a Bot in Dialog Studio using the desired Amazon Lex integration
Go to the Lex service in the AWS Console > Select your bot from the Bots table
Under Deployment, select Aliases
Select the TestBotAlias
Click Edit and Enable Sentiment Analysis (Note: If sentiment analysis is already enabled, disable it, save, and re-enable it)
To confirm permission was successfully added, check the service linked IAM role for the ComprehendPolicy
Last updated