Assign default behaviors

Learn how to adjust the out-of-the box behaviors for your bot in NLX Dialog Studio

What's the Default behavior tab?

Default behaviors define which conversation workflows the bot should follow in specific situations. This includes how the bot initially greets the user as well as how it responds to technical issues or unknown user input.

Intents assigned to handle these behaviors must first be attached to your bot through the bot's Intents tab.

Mandatory default behaviors

Open the bot you wish to edit and select the Default behavior tab. A few behavior types that are always enabled for a bot include:

  • Welcome: What the bot follows when a conversation session is initialized

  • Fallback: What happens during timeouts and system/technical failures

  • Unknown: What occurs when a bot doesn't understand the user's input

Optional behavior types

Optional behaviors are disabled by default, but you may enable and edit these for your bot:

Optional behaviors are handled by Fallback behavior when not turned on.

  • Help: When a user expresses they are in an emergency situation

  • Frustration: When a user expresses frustration

  • Escalation: When an escalation process is triggered

  • Repeat: When a user requests the bot repeat its last message

  • Resume: When a user requests a pause before continuing the conversation

Quick reply vs Intent

For most behavior types, you may toggle between a built-in quick reply or custom intent.

Quick replies allow you to enter the phrase the bot delivers to the user in that particular situation.

At least one phrase is required for the behavior to work in this mode. Additional phrases can be added for variety by choosing Add quick reply. You can remove a phrase by clicking on the remove icon.

We provide each new bot with quick reply phrases, but it's recommended that you create custom intents for handling all behavior types.

Last updated