Set up intent
Learn to easily set up flow channels for your intent in your NLX workspace
What are an intent's flow cards?
A flow card indicates one conversation workflow of an intent and its accompanying channel(s) for communication. You might create several flow cards for individual channels if the workflows need to differ from each other based on communication channel, or only one flow if the process is identical or not too dissimilar in executing the intent's task across multiple channels.
Add flow
Select the New intent option (if you haven't already). From your intent's edit page, begin by clicking the + Add flow card:
Choose the primary communication channel
Click Create flow
Optional: Add secondary channel
Selecting secondary channels allows you to manage the same flow for multiple communication channels. Changes made affect all channels tied to the one flow.
If your flow needs to significantly diverge in process or messaging for another channel, consider cloning your flow to manage them separately.
Hover over card > Select edit icon
Add/remove secondary channels to the flow
Click Confirm
Optional: Duplicate flow
Duplicating allows you to clone a flow for another communication channel that must significantly vary its conversation steps. Changes made in one flow do not affect the other.
If your flow will be similar for the new channel, consider adding a secondary channel to your flow instead of cloning. You may use a Split node to make minor changes within a flow and divert based on channel.
Click + Add flow card
Choose communication channels for new flow
Enable Duplicate from
Choose existing flow in your workspace, ideally from within the current intent
Click Create flow
Optional: Translate flow
Easily translate all messaging of your conversation flow using the translate flow tool:
Hover over card > Select globe icon
Translation process for attached languages will initiate
Want to add and translate more languages to your flow? Add them through the Languages tab of your intent or through the Translations menu of your workspace.
Need more context? See Supported languages
If either applying more languages through the Translations menu to all workspace resources or adding languages to your intent at a later time, be sure to duplicate the steps above to translate your flow to the new languages.
Optional: Delete flow
Hover over card > Select delete icon
Confirm deletion by typing name of the flow
Click Delete
Last updated