Test an external integration
Quickly run tests on your external integrations in your NLX workspace
Last updated
Quickly run tests on your external integrations in your NLX workspace
Last updated
To access this feature, select the API resource (Data request, Action, Lifecycle hook) where your integration set up exists:
Select Test option in upper right of resource's page
Click Run test on panel
Toggle on Dynamic setting under applicable Headers to test Dynamic headers in your test.
Quickly confirm your data request is set up and configured properly by using the Test feature:
Sample setup:
The sample endpoint should receive a POST request with a body that sends the variableId and payload attribute. The response returns the resolvedVariables attribute with variableId variable and value object that can be mapped
Select Response model tab > Select the type of object returned. In the example, the value attribute returns an Object with attributes firstName, lastName, and id
Select Request model tab > Add the payload field. In the example, the payload field is email
Click the Implementation tab and switch to External mode > Add the URL for the endpoint in the URL field
Add the necessary headers, if applicable. Some webhook endpoints need an API key. For the example, none is needed
Click Save
Click Run Test to test the endpoint
The response should look identical to your expected response, indicating a successful setup.