Google Dialogflow
Quickly set up Google Dialogflow NLP into your NLX workspace
Integrate Google Dialogflow
To integrate with the Dialogflow NLP engine, begin by selecting Integrations from your workspace menu:
Click + Add integration > Choose Dialogflow from the Type dropdown
Provide your integration a name
Click Create integration button
Sign into your Google account > A popup may let you know that Google hasn't verified the app > Click Advanced to move forward with the integration
The bottom of the popup window expands to ask you once again to verify that you would like to continue > Click the Go to (unsafe) link
A confirmation popup will appear asking to allow to access your Google Account > Click Allow
Back in NLX, successful integration is noted with a Google Dialogflow status of Live.
At any time, you may edit or delete your Google Dialogflow integration by expanding the integration name and selecting the edit or delete icons.
Last updated