AWS End User Messaging SMS
Quickly set up the AWS End User Messaging SMS communication integration into your NLX workspace
Integrate AWS End User Messaging SMS
To integrate the AWS End User Messaging SMS channel, begin by selecting Integrations from your workspace menu:
Choose + Add integration > Select AWS End User Messaging SMS from the dropdown
Click the link to deploy the CloudFormation template
You will be directed to AWS and asked to sign into your account.
The Quick create stack page appears with Template, Stack Name, and Parameters information
In the Capabilities section at the bottom, select the acknowledgment checkbox > click Create stack
Once the stack is created and deployed, select the Outputs tab and under the Key section find the relevant ARNs/additional fields
Copy and paste these values into the appropriate fields within the AWS End User Messaging SMS integration fields of your workspace:
Pinpoint Role ARN
Project ID: The unique identifier for your Pinpoint application
At any time, you may edit or delete your AWS End User Messaging SMS integration by expanding the integration name and selecting the edit or delete icons.
Set up application using AWS End User Messaging SMS channel
To successfully use your AWS End User Messaging SMS integration with applications created in your workspace, be sure to complete the following:
Last updated