Creating dashboards

Learn to construct powerful data visualizers for monitoring key metrics in NLX's Dialog Studio

Check out the quick start guide for setting up a dashboard in minutes.

Using templates

For your convenience, templates are available to use or easily build from. Simply start by selecting the + Add dashboard link:

  • Enter name of dashboard

  • If needed, modify panels by hovering & selecting from the icons that appear (edit, duplicate, remove)

  • When done, click Save

Analytics templates

Expand to read a description and panel setup of each template:

Overview template

Overview provides general traffic data on your bot. If a system Analytics tags has been added to nodes in your intent flows, stats on these will also appear.

Panels included:

  • All conversations: Displays the total number of all conversations; a conversation is defined as a single interaction session between bot and user

  • All messages: Displays the total number of all messages sent by users

  • Traffic: Provides a graph that shows the number of conversations for each of the days defined in the From/To filter fields

  • Three analytics system tags labeled Automated conversations, Helpful conversations, and Not helpful conversations. Each gives a percentage for the metric and, below it, the aggregate ratio that led to the calculation of that percentage. The numerator in the ratio is the number of conversations or messages (depending on the data being calculated) that apply to that metric, while the denominator is the total number of conversations or messages. These analytics are based on tagging. Implementing tags in various places within an intent flow allows you to determine whether the conversation was helpful or not helpful (or -- if they successfully completed it -- automated) to the user based on where that user ends up in the conversation/intent flow

    • Automated conversations: Displays the percentage of conversations that were successfully concluded — not escalated or abandoned. This occurs when the user successfully reaches a point in the conversation tagged with the Automated system tag

    • Helpful conversations: Displays the percentage of conversations the user felt were helpful. This occurs when the user reaches a point in the conversation tagged with the Helpful system tag

    • Not helpful conversations: Displays the data for conversations that were unhelpful to the user. Again, this metric is the result of the user successfully reaching a point in the conversation tagged with the Not helpful system tag

Performance template

Performance monitors response times and operations of your API integrations; specifically, it provides a view into the performance of your Actions and Data requests.

Panels included:

  • Action invocations: The number of times an action is invoked

  • Action success rate: The rate determined by the number of times an action is invoked and successfully executed

  • Action response times: The average time it takes for an action to be invoked and executed

  • Performance by action: The average response time (seconds) and the success percentage for each action

  • Data request invocations: The number of times a data request is invoked

  • Data request success rate: The rate determined by the number of times a data request is sent and successfully retrieved

  • Data request response times: The average time it takes for a data request to be responded to

  • Performance by data request: The average response time (seconds) and the success percentage for each data request

User experience template

User experience focuses on how your users are experiencing a bot.

Panels included:

  • Intents recognized: The percentage determined by how many times the bot is successfully able to route the user to the correct intent

  • Avg NLP confidence score: The confidence level that the NLP has understood the users' utterances and has directed them to the correct intent

  • Dropoff rate: Percentage determined by how many times a user drops off after calling into the bot before being routed to any intent

  • Escalation rate: Percentage determined by how many times the bot escalates the user because it is not able to route the user to the correct intent

  • Trending phrases: The utterances that are frequently said by users to the bot, the number of times it has occurred, and whether it is trending up or down in the given time period

  • Intent performance: The average confidence score and number of conversations that have been routed to that intent

Custom dashboards

To create your own dashboard of tracked metrics and chosen charts, start by clicking the + Add dashboard link:

  • Enter name of dashboard

  • Click + Add panel button; repeat as needed

  • Hover on panel > Choose edit icon

  • Enter a name for the panel & description of what it tracks

  • Select visual Chart type > Choose from compatible metrics for chosen chart

  • When done, click < Back to panels link to edit other panels or select Save

Did you know?

When editing a panel, a checklist is conveniently provided on the right to indicate the setup requirements of your selected Chart type.

Edit a dashboard

To edit an existing dashboard in Analytics, tap the Edit dashboard link:

Chart type



Not able to select the metric you want when editing a panel? You may need to adjust your chosen Chart type for compatibility.

Check Formulas & multi-metrics for advanced calculations to apply.

External analytics

To display data from an external data source, begin by creating or editing an analytics dashboard:

Integrating an external data source is only available through the Table chart type.

  • Add or edit a panel from your dashboard

  • Set Chart type to Table

  • Select Webhook as the Data source > Choose External for Type

  • Enter the URL of the endpoint (your endpoint must respond with a status code and string body of the data in CSV format)

  • Click Save

Sample payload:

  statusCode: 200,
  body: JSON.stringify("one,two\n1,2\n3,4\n5,6")


  • Add one or more headers > Include name/value pair

  • Toggle Sensitive setting on to redact information from Event logs


  • Min: Displays the minimum value of the chosen metric

  • Avg: Displays the average, or mean, of the chosen metric

  • Max: Displays the maximum value of the chosen metric

  • Sum: Displays the total value of the chosen metric


Filters allow you to include or exclude specific resources or criteria from your data:

  • Navigate to your Analytics dashboard > Hover on panel > Choose edit icon

  • After selecting Chart type & metric, expand the Filters section

  • Specify whether to include/exclude resources from data displayed

  • When done, click Save

When adding more than one item to include or exclude from your dataset, the following toggle setting is made available:

  • Any: Returns data if at least one item from the list is present in a conversation

  • All: Returns data if all items from the list are present in a conversation

Private/Public visibility

Each analytics dashboard created in a workspace may be set to one of two visibility settings:

  • Public: Visible to all who access the workspace

  • Private: Visible only to the creator of the dashboard

Dashboards made Public cannot be made Private later.

Setting up alerts

Alerts allow you to specify individuals that should receive emailed notifications when a particular metric's value is triggered:

  • Navigate to an Analytics dashboard > Hover on panel > Choose bell icon

  • Enter trigger criteria & the period of time over which the alert will continually be checked in 5-minute intervals

  • Select subscriptions to receive email notifications. Need to set up a subscription? See Subscriptions

  • When done, click Create alert


  • Region: Choose between Global or European Union, if applicable to your bot's deployment

  • Hours of operation: By default, alerts may be sent any time of day, Sunday through Saturday. You may adjust these settings to correspond with business hours, or to specify different subscribers for different intervals of the day

To delete an alert, tap the bell icon > select the alert > click the Delete alert link. You may also remove it via the Notification manager.

Last updated