Conversation history

Review past conversations between users and bots in NLX's Dialog Studio

What's History?

History provides useful information on conversations that have taken place with your deployed bots. Viewing conversation information allows you to troubleshoot unique or common issues, pinpoint where one or more intent flows could be more efficient, where users might be losing interest, or where additional automations are needed.

Using History

To view the results of conversation histories, select History in your workspace menu.

You may apply filters to the Main default tab or create new tabs and define a preset of filters. You may also adjust any filters to existing tabs to automatically refine results (does not save the filter for future visits unless in edit mode with the tab).

Each row of the results table represents a unique conversation session with the following details:

  • Date: Day and time a conversation session started

  • Channel: The bot channel used for the conversation

  • Duration: Length of the conversation session (in seconds)

  • Intent message: The initial user utterance submitted in a conversation (N/A indicates unengaged user)

  • Tags: Displays nodes that have been visited by the user with Analytics tags applied

  • NLP score: Confidence level of the bot in routing users to an intent

  • Intents: All intent flows invoked during the conversation

Add a tab

  • Navigate to History > click + Add tab

  • Enter a name for the tab (might reference a channel, specific bot, or region, for example)

  • Select from one or more filter dropdowns to create a preset of parameters for conversations you wish to view

  • When done, click Save

For additional edits to existing tabs, select the tab name and click the edit icon that appears.

Adjust filters to existing tabs to automatically refine results; however, this does not save the applied filter(s) for future visits unless saving them while in edit mode with the tab.

Available filters

  • Bot: Filter by available bots in your workspace

  • Intent: Filter by available intents in your workspace

  • Region: Filter by Global region or European Union

  • Language: Filter by all available languages; workspace languages that have been selected for resources are ordered first in the list

  • Start/End time: Enter calendar date and time to filter conversation results within this window

  • User/Conversation ID: Filter by a specific user ID or conversation ID

  • Search: Filter by user utterances logged in the Intent message column. Results will include all conversations containing your search keyword(s)

  • Channel: Filter by all possible communication channels

  • User engagement

    • Engaged only: Filter by conversations that recorded at least one response from the user

    • Unengaged only: Filter by conversations that did not record any responses from the user

  • Tags: Filter by any tags in the workspace; you may select more than one to filter by

Click Save when done to preserve your tab and any dropdown selections. You can make adjustments to dropdown selections and select the Reload link to view new filtered results.

Delete a tab

  • Navigate to History > Click on tab name > Select edit icon that appears

  • Click Delete tab

  • Select Confirm delete

Conversation details

To view more details from a specific conversation, select any row from the results:

Conversation details provides advanced info, including Conversation ID, User ID, and a full transcript of messages between bot and user.

Copy icons for conversation and user IDs are also provided, making it easy to copy and paste these values into the History filter fields or when viewing Canvas analytics.

Last updated