Add nodes + setup

Get acquainted with nodes and building conversation workflows in NLX's Dialog Studio

Add nodes

All conversation workflows consist of nodes that define bot logic, messaging, API calls, and user turns that must be followed in a particular sequence. There are a variety of node types, each with their own function (e.g., routing a user, providing a bot message, listening for user intent, etc.).

Easily pick a node to drop on to your canvas using the toolbar or shortcut menu.

  • Choose Add option in toolbar or right-click to use New node in shortcut menu

  • Select node type to apply to the canvas

To delete a node, select it and press delete or right-click and choose Delete from the shortcut menu.

Connect or stack nodes

The first node added to your canvas will always be connected to the Start node.

Nodes are linked or stacked together via their edges. Every node has one or more edge for each possible path the flow takes.

You may easily disconnect nodes by clicking the line linking them or dragging a node away from a stack and clicking the linked line.

  • Click and drag from a node's edge

  • Drag line to recipient node

  • Connected line turns blue and shows directional flow. Dashed lines simply indicate recipient node is arranged behind or in line with the origin node. Moving a recipient node in front turns lines solid

Node setup

Clicking any node on your canvas reveals a side panel to display information about the selected node and provide options for adding or refining its actions. Clicking outside of the node automatically closes its side panel.

Every node has a non-editable ID so the node can be referenced across Dialog Studio. To show or hide the Node ID, click the info icon in the upper right of the node's side panel.

Add messaging

A bot relays messages to users when a node they've reached has Bot messages entered. Below are options to help enhance your use of this feature.

Not all nodes require messages and may not have a Bot messages section to configure. You may you use a Basic node before or after in these instances.

  • Select a node > Add messages to a node by clicking +Add message on a node's side panel

  • Repeat the above as often as needed on a single node*

  • To delete a message, choose the three-dot menu beside the message and select Delete

*Adding more than one message to a node breaks up large messages into a series of smaller ones, making it easier for users to consume.

Add functionality

Several advanced actions can be applied to nodes on the canvas. Simply expand the Add functionality section of a node's side panel and select from the following:

Assign tags to nodes for tracking and later evaluating their performance in your flow using canvas analytics. You may choose from system tags as well as any custom tags set up in your workspace settings. While reviewing the canvas analytics, you can view the number of unique visits to the node from conversations with users.

  • Select a node > Click Add functionality menu on a node's side panel > Choose Analytics tags

  • Search or select a tag from the dropdown to assign the node*

  • Repeat as often as needed

  • To delete a tag, click the delete icon beside it

*Don't see a tag that you need? Add it from the Analytics tags tab in your workspace Settings

Any number of tags may be added to the same node, but it is recommended that you use only one tag per node to avoid double counting.

Use system variables

You may reference the following system variables in nodes when creating bot messages, Split node conditions, payload fields, etc.

Simply open the dynamic placeholder menu using an open curly brace { and locate the system variable in the list.

Node types


Start node is the home node of every flow. It's non-editable, provides information on how the flow is reached by users, and should be attached to the first node added to your canvas.

  • Every flow or page created within a flow automatically populates a Start node as a beginning point. A node added to the canvas can then be attached to Start through a line or by stacking.


Action nodes initiate an external task outside of Dialog Studio to occur.

Use of this node requires setting up an Action in your workspace.

  • An email or text sent to the user for a survey, confirmation, or set of instructions

  • Triggering the creation of a service ticket, work order, purchase, etc.

  • Scheduling an appointment or calendar meeting


Basic nodes are the easiest to include in any part of the flow. They can act as a messaging node, a processing node when given added functionality, or both.

  • Indicate via message that a process is about to occur before continuing the flow to an Action, Data request, or Escalation

  • Offer a greeting or confirmation before/after a question or capture step

  • Clear a user's input in a retry cycle

Bot handoff (beta)

Bot handoff nodes allow you to route users to a different bot and bot communication channel that exist in the same workspace.

  • Move a user from a bot handling HR questions to a bot handling an IT request

  • Move a user from one communication channel to another that's only supported by the other bot

  • Route a percentage of users via a Split node if doing A/B testing with a new bot

Data request

Data request nodes allow you to trigger information to be received during a conversation through static data or external API. They're particularly valuable when needing to relay information to a user through other nodes where the info is dynamic.

Use of this node requires setting up a Data request in your workspace.

  • Checking available rooms to assist with a hotel reservation

  • Pulling a list of local restaurants to match a user's criteria

  • Fetching the user's profile to authenticate and customize the conversation

  • A payload of information sent to a database for storage or updating (e.g., user profiles, passwords, etc.).


Define nodes allow you to define and set ephemeral values for use in a single intent flow. In essence, they work identically to Context attributes but are localized to a single flow and not retained thereafter.

  • A value captured in an intent that shouldn't be retained outside of the current flow

  • A value captured from the user must carry a different meaning in other intents in the same conversation session

  • Parsing date to extract its component parts (minutes, seconds, hours, days, etc.)


Escalate nodes immediately initiate the escalation transfer for the flow's communication channel.

Use of this node requires an escalation channel set up in your workspace Settings.

  • Business procedure requires that a user change their registered email with an agent only

  • A bot is not yet enabled with the ability to perform a task requested by the user

  • Technical processes involving APIs/webhooks failing

Generative text

Generative text nodes allow you to employ a large language model (LLM) to handle the conversation workload, including formulating responses appropriate to the context of the conversation.

Use of this node requires a one-time LLM integration in your workspace Settings

  • Carry open-ended conversations between users and an AI assistant

  • Handle unexpected user responses

  • Link from No match edges on previous nodes to manage unknown user responses


Loop nodes help to either set an allowed number of retries for a user's response or an API call (such as with a Data request or Action), or they can help survey items in a data array.

Range mode

  • Prevent infinite looping by allowing three retries for a user to provide their PIN before escalating to an agent

List mode

  • Loop over a list of resorts and provide matches from a user's preference of 5-star establishments in Tokyo


Multimodal nodes are for triggering a Journey created in your workspace during a conversation session with a user. Journeys are multimodal experiences that pair voice prompts with visual assets from the web.

A voice communication channel must be assigned to your flow before accessing the Multimodal node in the Canvas builder.

  • A user calling to request a service during heavy call volumes is texted a link and guided through completing an online form

  • A user requiring careful guidance through an online booking process is texted a link and guided through each step to complete booking


Note nodes are for adding freeform text to the Canvas and do not impact the intent's conversation flow.

  • Provide instructions or explanations to a teammate about items on the flow

  • Document different node stacks or sections of a flow for organization or visual mapping

  • Enter descriptions or thoughts about areas or whole pages of a flow


Redirect nodes route users to to a different page of an intent flow or to a different intent.

  • An unregistered user that needs to complete a profile before proceeding with the main flow (redirect to a page of the flow or another intent)

  • After asking a user what they need help with (User input node) and routing them based on a matched training phrase

  • Moving a user from an intent covering booking policies at a resort to an intent that books a resort reservation


Split nodes divide users in a path flow based on condition(s) or chance distribution.

  • Conducting A/B testing on new messaging or new process and diverting a portion of user traffic to test

  • Splitting voice channel users from chat channel users to provide alternate messaging for one part of the flow

  • Sort users based on various criteria (e.g., rewards level, credit card type, negative vs positive attitude, etc.)

User choice

User choice nodes prompt users to either make a selection or provide information for the AI assistant to follow-up with a relevant action, such as routing, refining, or externally passing along the info.

For User choice nodes, the NLX NLU will attempt the following (in order):

  1. Match the user's utterance to a value from the assigned source (custom slot, built-in slot, or data request array)

  2. Match the user's utterance to training data belonging to other intent flows attached to the bot

  3. Eject out of the No match edge (if no logic or messaging is connected, the NLU will default to Unknown or Fallback)

Requires: Attaching a slot to the intent or setting up a Data request.

  • Ask a user for the start date of their reported service outage

  • Ask a user a Yes/No question

  • Ask a user to choose from their available credit cards on file

  • Ask a user to provide a short explanation of their complaint

User input

User input is considered a listening and capture node for collecting a user's utterance to match to an intent's training phrase or collecting a keyword(s) that alters or routes the conversation using Split node logic.

  • Asking a user what they need help with and routing them to an intent that matches a training phrase

Last updated