Bots: Edit page

Review and edit a bot in your NLX Dialog Studio workspace

Access a bot

To access a particular bot, open Bots from your workspace menu and select the bot you'd like to view:


Your bot's name is editable and is among the few resources in the workspace that may be renamed and can contain spaces and special characters:

Other resources, such as Intents, are able to be reused across multiple bots, so renaming is restricted.

Duplicate, Save, & Test

In the top right of your bot's page, you'll find Duplicate, Save, and Test options.

Duplicate, Save, & Test options on the Bot edit page
  • Duplicate: For cloning the bot, including its attached intents, channels, and settings

  • Save: For committing all changes made to the bot through the bot's page

  • Test: For testing the most recent build in a provided chat widget. Testing at the bot level tests your bot's entire conversation flow (all intents attached)

Want to learn more about testing and debugging with your bot? See How to: Test

Description & Tags

If set up, a short description and any tags given to the bot display under the bot name. You may add or modify these in the bot's Settings.

Description & all tags visible below bot name


There are several tabs available to review and customize your bot:

Bots: OverviewBots: IntentsBots: Default behaviorBots: LifecycleBots: ChannelsBots: Automated testsBots: LanguagesBots: Settings

Last updated