
Learn to set up a Genesys communication channel for your bot in NLX's Dialog Studio

The Genesys channel requires a one-time integration in your workspace before a channel can be created for your bot.

Step 1: Create Genesys channel

In Dialog Studio, create a Genesys channel for your bot under the Channels tab:

  • Expand Genesys option

  • Select + Create channel

  • Choose your Genesys workspace integration from the Integration dropdown

  • Click Create channel

Before proceeding with Step 2, create a build and deploy your bot.

Step 2: Post deployment

Once your bot is deployed in Dialog Studio, login to your Genesys instance.

  1. From your Genesys Instance, go to Admin > Architect

  2. Select Inbound Call Flow

  3. Complete all necessary fields > click Create Flow

  4. Once in the Call Flow, click Reusable Tasks in the left pane

  5. Select Add action here > click Toolbox > Call Lex V2 Bot

  6. Choose your bot name from the dropdown. If deployed correctly, the Bot Alias dropdown should have Genesys

  7. For the Initial Intent Name field, select the Intent you want to trigger initially (e.g., Welcome)

  8. Under Outputs, enter nlx_action for Key Name 1 and Flow.nlx_action for Variable to Assign 1

  9. You may act on the Flow.nlx_action to to escalate to a human agent. To achieve this, set the following parameters:

    • Name: Decision

    • Expression: Flow.nlx_action=="ESCALATE"

After setup is complete, the your flow will resemble this within your Genesys console:

Need more context? See official Genesys documentation.

Optional Genesys field

The following field is optional to the Genesys channel:

  • API key: Matched against the HTTP headers from the bot

Need context on the other fields? See Bots: Channels

Last updated