Flows: The Canvas

Discover basic controls of the Canvas tool when building conversation flows in NLX's Dialog Studio

What's the Canvas?

The Canvas is a visual and interactive design tool for mapping your conversation flows. Each flow created has its own canvas to build all steps and possible paths to execute an intent. Each canvas begins with a non-editable Start node from which your conversation will flow.

Need more context? See Introduction to Intents


To access your canvas, select an intent flow card:

Canvas controls

  • Zoom in/out: Press Control key while scrolling mouse wheel or moving two fingers up/down on a trackpad

  • Move: Pan the canvas by sliding two fingers along the trackpad or press + hold Spacebar while using your mouse to click and drag


Along the top, the canvas toolbar provides several options:

Shortcut menus

Right-click the canvas or a node to activate the shortcut menu for additional options:

  • Paste, Undo/Redo

  • New node: Select a node to add to the canvas

  • Zoom controls

  • Analyze: Easily identify cycles (great for detecting if any unintentional infinite loops exist) or disconnected nodes

  • Search: Trigger search bar

Search bar commands

Enter desired keyword(s) to quickly query all node elements and messaging across your flow:

View/restore versions

  • Select clock icon in upper right of the Canvas

  • Choose a version to preview

  • Select Restore version

Last updated