FAQ: Flows

Frequently asked questions related to NLX's Dialog Studio Intent flows

Channel flows

Should I create a new flow or create a secondary channel of the same flow?

If a flow is to be identical when in use by another communication channel, you may simply add a secondary channel to the same flow. Any changes made to the flow will impact all channels associated with that flow.

If considerable differences in steps and messaging need to be designed for another communication channel, create a new flow within the intent. Changes made only impact the channel(s) established for that flow.


How do I translate messaging in flows?

You can conveniently auto-translate your intent's flow(s) by selecting the Translate icon when hovering over a flow card. See instructions here.

Bot messaging

What's the difference between multiple messages and message variations?

Multiple messages on the same node are displayed/read off in succession and in the order they're arranged. This primarily allows you to break up large paragraphs of text in chat channels so they appear as individual chat bubbles.

Message variations provide a bank of message options for your bot to select randomly when a user hits that node in the conversation. This is especially useful if the same node has a chance to be reached twice in a single session.

Can I playback my voice bot's messaging to hear how it would sound to users?

When an intent flow has a voice channel selected for its primary or secondary channel, a play icon will display next to any bot messages added to a node. Though a different bot persona may be selected outside of Dialog Studio, you may hear what your bot will generally sound like reading off the messages you've designed.

How do I change the inflection or get advanced control on how a bot sounds?

When drafting messages for voice channels, you can use SSML tags (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) supported by your NLP. Inserting SSML into your messages can control volume, pitch, pauses, emphases, breathing, and more.

For Amazon Lex, check their supported SSML guide here.

For Google's Dialogflow, check their supported SSML guide here.

Last updated